This Is Why You Want to Watch Your Heart

August 17, 2020
This Is Why You Want to Watch Your Heart

Have you ever considered the importance of your inner being?

“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” 

— King Solomon

These days we often hear, “follow your heart.” What does this mean? I find it sometimes disguised selfish motives. And yet, there is a great part of this statement too.

The way I interpret “following my heart” is severalfold. I love big visions and dreams. People like Steve Jobs, Nelson Mandela, and Martin Luther King followed their hearts. Their passion drove them to achieve seemingly impossible things.

Our heart needs to be vigorous. That’s why the advice the ancient King Salomon gives us still makes sense today. In other words, this is why you want to watch your heart. I use it as a filter for important decisions and life changes.

Bad Choices Suck the Life Out of You

I have disregarded his advice a few times. I have made bad career decisions that sucked the life out of me. For instance, no development perspectives and an insecure and manipulative boss made left their toll on my life fountain.

Another time an unhealthy dating relationship pushed me onto the verge of depression. The well on the inside of me ceased to flow. It dried up.

In those dark times, there was no creative idea, no visionary dream, no world-changing thought, and no courage flowing from my heart. I was surviving.

“Why have I come that far from thriving?” I wondered. It dawned on me. I had neglected my inner world. I had not followed the valuable advice, “guard your heart.” I left it exposed to the rain, the thunderstorms, and the droughts that hit me.

Solomon concluded, "for everything flows from it." Only a healthy heart enables us to be at our best. Have you noticed how many people complain?

  • “I’m stressed out.”
  • “I can’t take it no more.”
  • “I’m exhausted.”
  • “I’m so busy.”

The World Needs the Best Version of You

Our society forgot to protect the inner being. We have become focused on the external, on the achievements, on the appearance. Too often, we forget that life, freshness, creativity, and passion gush from the well — our inner being.

The world needs you and me… ALIVE. The people around you are waiting for your world-changing ideas. Our planet needs more visionaries who realize their crazy dreams.

I made Solomon’s advice my leitmotif. It changed my life. Regular gut checks now prevent me from falling back to my previous mode of survival.

  • “Did I guard my heart?”
  • “Where did I neglect it?”
  • “Do I need to stop doing things?”
  • “What do I have to start doing to become alive?”

Are you ready to thrive?

I have become a lively, happy, passionate, encouraging person. Why? Because I intentionally keep a vigilant watch over my heart.

Not only follow your heart. Above all, guard your heart.

Are you ready to thrive as well?

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