A Cup of Coffee Makes All the Difference

September 29, 2022
A Cup of Coffee Makes All the Difference - Why Routines Matter

Why a Daily Routine Matters

You know, I was never the type to have a ‘morning routine.’ The monotony of doing the same thing repeatedly, every day, never appealed to me. I’m someone who lives thrill, adventure and trying new things, so having a routine was out of the question for me.

But my, how the times have changed. Over time, I have come to not only have but appreciate a routine and the organization it brings to one’s life.

A Daily Routine Saves Time as Well as Mental Energy

This is not to say that I don’t enjoy new things or have become monotonous. I’m not saying that at all. I know I would not be satisfied doing a 9 to 5, where I have to do the same thing every day. My quality control colleagues in my biotech corporate job would descend to the cafeteria every day at the same time. But that’s just not me.

Oh well, everything said and done, I do enjoy my morning coffee every day. I try to switch it up, bring in different variations, to keep the thrill and novelty I love while still following a sort of ‘routine.’ Having this practice of a routine enables me to get a head start on the day and be productive and efficient throughout.

Start the Day Off on a Good Note

When I wake up and think about the many things I have to do that day, it almost paralyzes me sometimes. I know that’s the case for most people. I would much rather stay in bed all day after snoozing my alarm. My coffee is the only thing that gets me through these tough mornings. That’s what inspires me to write. I’m not always inspired to write. After all, I’m only human. I just start writing, believing that the muse will appear to me. It always does.

I sip my trusty coffee and keep writing. Before I know it, one word becomes a sentence. Then that sentence turns into a paragraph. Eventually, a few paragraphs become a full page of writing. Another sip of coffee, and I’ve reached my daily target. That’s how it goes. Every single drop makes the ocean.

Don’t give up because your target seems too big or too far away. Every single step, every single word counts. All of it adds up in the end. Look at your target in small bits — a daily target. Keep achieving these small daily goals so you eventually achieve what you want out of your life. No dream is too big. It really isn’t.

Consistency is Key

I found a routine to be very beneficial in the long run. It helps you add a particular discipline to life. It becomes an inspiration to me. 

Every sip of coffee inspires me to keep writing. Whether writing or just jotting down words in my journal, I am making progress. Every single day, I’m making progress, no matter how little it seems at that time. 

This daily progress seems so tiny at the time that it’s almost unnoticeable. Let’s look at it this way: think of a snail. Snails move so slowly. It’s sometimes hard to even see them make any progress. But look at them half an hour later. They’ve moved further away from where they were when you first started watching them.

Moving slowly does not mean you won’t be able to get far. It means that you’re taking your time and working even on the days when it’s hard to get yourself out of bed. That makes a world of difference later on. 

Consistency is key. No matter how slow or how little, what’s important is that you try. Keep trying, every day. Having a routine and consistency in your life will take you very far.

My coffee isn’t just my inspiration for writing and my constant companion while reading. 

A while ago, I decided to read for thirty minutes daily. Sounds doable, doesn’t it? We spend the same amount of time in a coffee shop or aimlessly scrolling through our phones. 

Reading for a short amount of time doesn’t feel overwhelming. These thirty minutes a day turn into dozens of books a year. I’ll have read hundreds of books in ten years, which equals a Ph.D. All of this by reading for just thirty minutes a day. 

Now, do you see what I meant about being consistent? Small steps turn into big leaps.

Your Environment Affects How You Work

A coffee a day creates wonders for me. 

I love the taste of coffee. I relish the deep smell of roasted beans. Coffee truly transports me to another world. A world of dreams that exists in my imagination. 

Coffee has always been with me since I started working. 

This love for coffee has transformed into a love for coffee shops. I love the atmosphere and the ambiance there. I often spend my mornings in different coffee shops. I attend meetings in coffee shops, and I meet new people there. It inspires me and fills me with energy. Just being in a coffee shop significantly uplifts my mood.

The Takeaway: My Daily Routine Does Pay Off

I wrote my first book in 2020. I managed to write the first draft of Single for a Season in just three months. 

Trust me. I read 39 books, which is a multiple of what I would read ten years ago. 

How did I get to this point? 

By taking things one day at a time. 

By taking the next step and then the next. 

Routines matter.

How does one reach the top of a mountain? By taking the first step. The rest will follow. Just focus on one step at a time. 

Doesn’t that sound doable?

700 words five times a week, become 14,000 in a month. These 14,000 words become more than 150,000 in a year. That’s almost three books. Isn’t that crazy? And it all starts with that first word. 

I never thought I would achieve all this with a simple morning routine and a cup of coffee. This coffee has taken me around the world, where I get to write things that inspire other people. That honestly blows me away to this day.

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