4 Surprising Ways to Find Your Purpose and Make It a Reality

December 15, 2022
4 Surprising Ways to Find Your Purpose and Make It a Reality

If you’re like me, you’ve probably wondered what the point of all this is. We go through school, get a job, maybe have kids and then retire... but is that really it? Is that all there is to life?

A lot of people struggle to find their purpose in life. Today, I’m going to show you four surprising ways that you can find your purpose and make it a reality.

4 Surprising Ways to Find Your Purpose and Make It a Reality

Find Your Purpose in Life

It’s time to look at four surprising ways to find your purpose in life and make it a reality.

Who of us doesn’t want to feel our hearts beat faster because we’re living our dream?

I’m an active person. Changing the world is on my list. You may say, “take it easy! That’s a big dream.”

You are right. It is. I have become more realistic over time and now know my limitations. And yet, I want to make a difference.

A few years ago, I did way too many things. I was serving crazy hours at my church, coaching others, giving my best at my full-time job, and seeing friends.

And then I stopped, asking, “does it really matter what I’m doing?”

Long story short, I realized I did too many things and was going toward burnout.

It forced me to think about what my purpose was. “What does God want me to do? And what should I stop doing?” God changed my perception.

Discovering my purposed enabled me to get clarity on what matters.

In this article, I invite you on a journey of discovery. Why don’t we lay our perception of living a legacy aside for a moment? Let’s look at what the all-time bestselling book reveals to us. You’ll discover how to live the legacy God intended for you.

1. Discover Your Purpose

The Bible shows us that David lived a purposeful life. He accomplished his mission. He ended up where few end up these days — at the predefined destination.

To quote Rick Warren, “living on purpose is the only way to live. Everything else is just existing.”

That’s how I want to live — to accomplish God’s purpose.

Craig Groeschel said, “All people end up somewhere in life, but few end up there on purpose.”

Be like the few. Don’t follow the crowd. To do so, spend time to find your God-given purpose. Pray, reflect, meditate God’s word, and listen to any impression God gives you. And look at your skills and passions.

2. Serve God’s Purpose

When Jesus came into this world, the Jews were happy. Finally, someone will deliver us from the Roman oppressors. He will fight them, and we will live freely ever after.

But a different Jesus came. One that they did not expect.

At the beginning of his ministry, Jesus went to the synagogue on the Sabbath day. When it was time, he stood up to read. They gave him the scroll. He opened it and read a passage from the prophet Isaiah.

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” — Luke 4:18–19

He did set free the oppressed. But not through military power. Jesus came to set sinners free, serve the people in need, and proclaim good news to the poor.

Jesus showed the disciples in a practical way why he came. And what he wanted them to do to others.

During the last supper, Jesus stood up and tied a towel around his waist. Then he did the unimaginable. God’s only Son washed his disciples’ feet.

That’s what Jesus did — serving others, not to be served.

Like Jesus, become someone who serves. John Maxwell said, “I want to add value to other people every day.” That’s another way of saying what Jesus calls us to do.

3. Become What God Created You to Be

To live a legendary life — in God’s way — we must become more like Christ.

The Bible says:

Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. — Ephesians 5:1–2

We need to make it a priority to spend time with God. Pray, read His word, and meditate.

Here’s a prayer I have prayed many times: “God, let me see what you see. God, let me hear what you hear. God, let me feel what you see. God, break my heart for what breaks yours.”

Also, becoming more like Jesus means becoming spiritually mature.

Grow to spiritual maturity. And leave your childish behavior behind. It doesn’t mean that you have to get old and complicated in your mind. You can still play and have fun.

4. Adopt an Eternal View

Life is preparation for eternity. That is the meaning of life on earth. God put you on this planet to prepare you for what you will do in eternity.

God’s plans endure forever; his purposes last eternally. — Psalm 33:11

Live an eternal legacy. God did not put you on earth so that others remember you, but to prepare for eternity.

When you get that, your priorities will change. What seemed so important loses its importance when we focus on the greatness of God.

Short-term thinking is the most damaging aspect of today’s society.

There is no overnight success. You become successful if you move forward one single step at a time. Set you up to live an eternal legacy.

King David collected a fortune during his lifetime: materials in high quantity with a purpose. He could have used that for his pleasure. Instead, the king gathered it for his Son. He knew that he would build the Temple. It would have taken years or decades for Solomon to accumulate that wealth.

David wanted his ceiling to become the floor of the next generation. That’s eternal thinking. It’s not about us. Instead, eternal thinking focuses on God’s mission.

What if you used your knowledge, talents, money, and experiences to lift the next generation? So that they can go farther than you? So that God can even accomplish more powerful miracles through them?

Live Your Legacy Now

Jesus lived his ultimate legacy when he died on the cross and rose again.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. — John 3:16

Jesus accomplished his mission, dying on the cross for our wrongs and returning to life on the third day.

And the cross symbolizes our mission:

  1. Love God (vertical dimension)
  2. Love people (horizontal dimension)

The Maker of the Universe calls you to live your legacy. It may be different from what you expected or imagined. It will be far more significant, more rewarding, and more challenging. It will require all your energy, all of you, and you will need to change your thinking because you’ll have to redefine success according to God’s standard.

But it will be the ride of your life.

Now is the time to live your legacy.

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